2 questions; 2 podcasts & 1 article
2 Q’s
What if there were a "chief loneliness director" at every health center/hospital focused on how we assure that health care thinks about and creates ways that communities and connections can be built among staff, patients/families and clinicians?
What if we invited patients and their families to discuss the “back of the house” issues at hospitals that affect joy and meaning in medicine? What might patients/families offer to help solve those challenges? How might this increase innovation at the hospital and assure patients are seen as more than simply subjects of a medical industrial complex?
2 Podcasts
Behind The Knife: The Surgery Podcast- Having just presented at the MSQC conference last week, I had the great pleasure of getting to know Dr. Englesbe—the work helping to combat the opioid epidemic is exceptional. Listen below:
Academic Medicine Podcast
Short 5-6 minute podcast where you meet medical students and residents, clinicians and educators, health care thought leaders and researchers in this podcast from the journal Academic Medicine. Episodes chronicle the stories of individuals as they experience the science and the art of medicine. Guests delve deeper into the issues shaping medical schools and teaching hospitals today. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/academic-medicine-podcast/id1112697692?mt=2
1 Article
Prioritizing what patients care about – Partnering with Patients for Shared Decision Making https://lowninstitute.org/news/prioritizing-what-patients-care-about/
“… patients often struggle with questions about their preferences or about what matters to them, and clinicians often seem unable to act on their answers. The commonsensical “What matters to you?” may be the wrong question. This inadequacy may lie in that values, preferences, goals, and what matters most to us are not relatively set traits of a person available for extraction. Rather, the values, preferences, and goals arise in living life and are discovered in understanding how life is lived.”
With PCC, the patient and non-physician clinician have a conversation about the patient’s life, relationships, and activities to help the patient identify their health goals. Focusing on how patients live their lives and want to live their lives may help identify which health care treatments are helping or preventing patients from reaching their goals.
A BONUS- 6 quotes on innovation in healthcare https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/innovation/6-key-quotes-about-innovation-s-role-in-healthcare.html